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A Quiz for your Knife Skills

Erica F
Posted by Erica F on Mar 15, 2017


Can you name each of these knives?

knife quizAnswers:

  1. Serrated Utility Knife
  2. Boning/Filet Knife  
  3. Utility Knife  
  4. Decorating Knife  
  5. Peeling Knife  
  6. Tomato Knife 

As Tywin Lannister, from Game of Thrones famously said: "There is a tool for every task, and a task for every tool." Though your knife arsenal may not need to look like the Iron Throne, there is probably a knife out there for just about any food, task or technique you can imagine. Knife selection is a very personal affair. A perfectly good knife collection can range from one great all-purpose chef's knife and a few utility knifes, to a whole array of specialty knives each serving a unique and specific purpose. So whether you're trying to bulk up an already decent knife collection, or thinking about finally upgrading from that starter pack you got back in college, it never hurts to sharpen up on some good knife know-how.

The home chef only needs a few great knife staples in order to perform myriad feats in the kitchen. Here are the basics: 

CHEF’S KNIFE: This is the one to splurge on. It's going to be your workhorse, an extension of your arm, and the one knife you'll flash to impress your guests.

Chefs KnifePARING KNIFE: Sure you can try cutting teeny tiny things with a great big chef's knife, but it’s awkward at best, and you’ll look ridiculous doing it. Save your fingers and make smart cuts by using big knives for big things and little knives for little things.

Pairing KnifeBREAD KNIFE: Here you can save yourself a little money and just get something functional. You want it to be able to cut your bread without crushing it into something that vaguely resembles a tortilla.

Bread KnifeFLEXIBLE BONING KNIFE: This is the optional, grown-up upgrade. If you really want to get serious, get one of these and start buying your proteins whole. Fish: fillet 'em. Whole cuts of meat: trim 'em up!

Boning KnifeIt’s knife month at The Chopping Block, which means that all of our knives are 20% off and if you buy three sharp things, you get 25% off. The world is now your oyster... so grab a knife and shuck it!

sharp thingsWhile you’re upgrading your knives, you might as well upgrade your knife skills, so come join us for a Knife Skills class. It’s a great way to try out a variety of knives, and is sure to make all of your meal prep more efficient and more fun!

Until you are able to get to a Knife Skills class, our free download Knife Skills 101 is here to help. It's full of recipes you can use to practice different knife cuts! 

Knife Skills Guide

Topics: knife, Knife Skills, boning knife, chef's knife, paring knife

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