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  • The Chopping Blog

Lisa C

Lisa C
Chef Lisa graduated culinary school at Kendall College Evanston in 2003. Before Lisa became a chef instructor at The Chopping Block, she worked in numerous restaurants around Chicago including Naha (where she met her husband), Spiaggia, Custom House and opened Acanto in 2014. When not in the kitchen you can usually find Lisa curled up with a great bottle of wine and a good book or eating out at a new restaurant with her husband.

Recent Posts

Broiling for Beginners

I feel broiling is a very underutilized cooking technique for everyday cooking. How often can you say you use your broiler at home? It can be daunting if you do not know how to use it, but when used ...

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Easy Vegan Swaps

I will be honest: I am not vegan. When I was at my healthiest, I drastically reduced my intake of animal proteins, dairy, and processed foods and it made a world of difference in my overall feeling ...

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Culinary Siphons are Not Only for Whipped Cream

I used to love when my mom would buy Reddi-Whip when I was a kid; it was such a fun treat to eat right out of the can. It wasn’t until I grew up and went to culinary school that I started to whip my ...

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Appetizer Centerpieces

I love the holidays and planning a jolly assortment of appetizers to fill the table. Usually, I go overboard and make a huge variety of bite-sized delights. Check out my other festive holiday ...

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Ube: The Purple People Pleaser

Have you seen the purple food craze that has been all over the internet recently? From ice cream to donuts, to cakes and cocktails, very violet food creations are all the rage right now. The culprit ...

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Ramen 101

Ramen is a noodle soup dish that was originally imported from China and has become one of the most popular dishes all over the world. You may only know ramen from your college days of the instant ...

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Deep Frying 101

When I think of fried foods I am immediately transported to when I was a kid. The nostalgia of carnivals and fairground funnel cakes, deep fried Twinkies, anything deep fried on a stick really makes ...

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Awesome Sauces

When coming up with an idea for dinner or creating menus for classes, I always try and think of how to tie all of the ingredients together and nothing does that better than an awesome sauce. To me, ...

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Coffee and Cooking

Did you know that 64% of American adults currently consume coffee every day? And that Americans drink about 400 million cups of coffee every day, which is roughly about 146 billion cups of coffee per ...

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Breaking Bread

During this pandemic just about everyone jumped on the bread bandwagon. I think learning how to make sourdough bread was basically everyone’s bucket list recipe during this time - so much so that ...

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