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How to Beat Breakfast Boredom

Posted by Crystal on Jun 22, 2017

Now that it is officially bathing suit season, this is the time when many people start to get really serious about healthy eating to keep that beach bod in check. One of the hard parts about healthy-eating is how limiting it can feel at times. It doesn’t take long to feel like you are cycling through the same recipes over and over again. Once boredom sets in, it becomes even harder to stick to those good-natured goals. I am here to help offer up some variety to keep you on the straight and narrow a little while longer!

If you have yet to explore the beauty of overnight oats, now is the time to do so. Overnight oats are a one bowl wonder that not only have low impact on the dish pile-up, but also allow for a lot of variety in and of themselves. This recipe is for a strawberries and cream sort of overnight oats with blueberries, but you can play with so many aspects of this recipe to make it your own.  Switch out the fruits for something different, try out other sweet spices to alter the flavor profile, throw in some vanilla extract, change out the sugar for other sweeteners like honey or agave, or adjust the yogurt and milk levels to give you your preferred consistency. Have fun with it!  

Overnight Oats

1 ½ cups strawberries, diced

½ cup blueberries

2 cups old fashioned oats

¼ tsp ground cinnamon

1/8 tsp ground cardamom

1/8 tsp ground ginger

3 Tbsp brown sugar

5 oz Greek yogurt

1 ½ cups milk

¼ tsp salt 

oats in bowl

The instructions are plain and simple.  Dump all of the ingredients into a large bowl and mix. 

oats liquid

Ladle the mixture into four mini, 8oz mason jars and lid them.  Place in fridge and let it soak overnight, and then enjoy your delicious, healthy breakfast the very next morning. 

oats in jars

Looking for some more morning-time recipes to add to your breakfast ideas?  Join us for The Chopping Block’s Let’s Brunch cooking class at the Merchandise Mart on July 1st

View our calendars

Topics: healthy, oats, breakfast, healthy eating, oatmeal, Recipes

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