Just like Smash Mouth’s “All Star” hit, coconut oil is past its peak but still appears in our daily lives. Touted as a belly fat blaster, an appetite suppressant and even an Alzheimer's treatment, coconut oil rose to prominence in 2015 and still lingers in grocery stores, food blogs, and nostalgic Dreamworks animated movies today (okay, you know I had to reference Shrek somewhere in here). However, where are we now with these claims? And most importantly: should I be cooking and baking with it this holiday season?
First, let’s dip into the far far away land (it’s going to keep happening, sorry) of fats. There are three main types: trans, saturated, and unsaturated. Think of trans fats as Lord Farquaad: the smug, bad guy. Trans fats are directly linked to increased LDL cholesterol levels and risk of heart disease, and thus have been banned from the manufactured food industry, where we humans largely created them, since 2015. Unsaturated fats are liquid at room temperature (they’re not “saturated” with hydrogen atoms, so there are more “spaces” (or double bonds) in their structure, so they can’t pack together nicely to form solids) and come mainly from plant sources such as olive oil, avocados, nuts and seeds. Think of these as Princess Fiona: flexible and good for the heart. Saturated fats are like the three little pigs, they exist and can contribute... to an extent, but overall aren’t the most helpful and are best enjoyed in small amounts. Think of butter, lard, and dairy fats; these are all solid at room temperature because all their molecules are “saturated” with hydrogens, forming a uniform pattern, and therefore, packing closely together. While these are recommended to be limited in our diets by multiple professional health organizations, they do play certain roles in the culinary world such as butter for baking and we don’t have to eliminate them completely from our diets.
Coconut Oil: the Pinocchio of Fats
Where does coconut oil fit into this? Well, coconut oil is a little bit of a Pinocchio. It actually contains more saturated fat (90%) than butter (64%). However, it’s often been perceived as “healthier” because of its content of “medium-length” fatty acids. Short-length and medium-length fatty acids are absorbed and metabolized differently than longer fatty acids (this is where the dragon claws of health marketing sunk into), but the research behind coconut oil’s “benefits” thus far is limited, small, and also suggests negative effects as well.
Biggest Gingerbread Houses of Claims and Current Research
Here are some of the biggest coconut oil claims and the current science:
Fairy-Tale Ending?
Coconut oil’s health benefits are largely not supported by research at this time, and it’s important to remember that it’s still a saturated fat, which we know if we have too much, can have detrimental effects on our health, including increasing our risk of cardiovascular disease. There are other oils (i.e. soybean oil, olive oil, etc.) that are supported by research to have beneficial effects such as increasing HDL cholesterol and lowering LDL cholesterol that are better oils to use more often.
However, coconut oil has a wonderful, distinct flavor, has been used for years by many cultures, and is a popular, vegan alternative to butter in baking. Check out our Caribbean Cruise Demo class on Saturday, November 20th, or these blog posts on chickpea curry, shrimp noodle soup, or blueberry scones to see how to use coconut and other oils.