For years now, I’ve written blogs about my love for the city of San Miguel de Allende, Mexico. I’ve written about the food, culture, restaurants, chefs, places to visit, as well as some of the faces ...
Like a lot of you, I’m really trying to hold on to those last few days of summer. I’m still enjoying the harvest from the garden on my deck, eating outside whenever I have the opportunity and going ...
Crossroads Diner: At the Intersection of Hospitality & Community
I don’t know about you, but my best travel pals are my taste buds. What better way to feel connected to a place and its people than to eat as they eat. It’s a fact of being human, the need to eat to ...
From Mess to Masterpiece: Cinnamon Roll Correction
Recipes usually have some sort of story attached to them explaining its history, how and why it has been modified, and the most important tips and tricks to make it work in your home kitchen. My ...
An opinion article was recently published entitled “Our Food Is Killing Too Many of Us.” After being initially taken aback by the heavy, straight-forward title of the article, the subtitle stated ...
With Summer rapidly drawing to a close, I feel the call of some of my favorite cold-weather dishes beckoning me to cover the grill and come back to the oven. Slow-braised meat dishes, roasted root ...
It appears that summer is hanging on as long as possible, and I'm totally cool with that. The longer I can wear flip flops the better! But, because I develop the curriculum at The Chopping Block and ...
“You should only touch your steak three times; once to put it in the pan, once to flip it, and once to take it out of the pan.” This oft repeated mantra is one of the most frequently peddled bits of ...
If I have said it once, I have said it a thousand times, even the most basic vegetables can take on loads of new flavor notes if cooked properly. With football season fully underway, watch parties ...