One of the first cakes I ever learned to bake was a pineapple upside-down cake. I can remember Mom explaining to me that the bottom would become the top and that sounded so magical to me! We arranged ...
Every September, I convince my girlfriends to go apple picking, and until we go and eat half a dozen (fine, sometimes a dozen) cider donuts in the car, it never really feels like fall. There’s ...
The holidays are synonymous with lots of delicious freshly baked goods. Pies, cakes, brownies, and of course, cookies all taste even more delicious when it's cold out and you want to just sit around ...
While it is probably inadvisable to risk alienating large swaths of your audience in the opening paragraph, I’m going to admit something: I love winter. The cold weather lets me show off all my ...
Delicata Squash. Oh how I love thee. But why do you have such a short growing season? The first time I see delicata squash at the farmers market, I am like a kid who is scooping up candy from a just ...
I’ve been waiting for this time of year for months. I love Fall: crisp mornings, changing leaves, but most of all, I love Fall foods! Several people in my inner circle have mentioned chili in ...
The two days we look forward to most all year are just around the corner: Customer Appreciation Days! These parties are so much fun we have to do it twice, once at the Merchandise Mart and once at ...
Extremes of spice, in food, around the world are baffling. Whether you like a little cracked black pepper on your eggs in the morning, or you pop pickled jalapenos like they are marshmallows with ...
If you are familiar with Lincoln Square, you've probably heard about or even attended the annual Apple Fest in October. The Chopping Block is famous for our Apple Pie, and we bake a lot of them for ...
Being a chef instructor at The Chopping Block is by far the best job I have ever had. I love food, I adore cooking, and I am passionate about teaching. Given those facts, every time I come to work I ...