“Biz, why are you making soup – it's summertime?!” I know I might get asked that question, but truth of the matter is that I love soup 365 days a year.
Grilling season is in full swing at The Chopping Block, and one of my favorite grilling classes is New Orleans Brunch on the Grill. We make Cajun grilled shrimp skewers with remoulade, BBQ baked ...
Seeing as I’ve got less than ninety days to rock a wedding dress, I’m really making an effort to make healthier eating choices and up my exercise. Luckily, I’m a veggie lover, so eating vegetables ...
Strawberry season leaves me swooning! I can’t help it. For me, it’s the sign that Summer has really, truly arrived… and with it, all the fresh and wonderful foods that the season brings. With this in ...
If you want to earn your baking creds, learning how to roll pie dough is a must but don’t feel alone if you have had some failures! Doughs of any kind require more than just a good recipe; they ...
I want to let you all in on a not-so-secret confession: I am a chocoholic! They say a day without chocolate is like day with no sunshine, but I wouldn’t know because I eat a bit of chocolate every ...
Who doesn’t love empanadas? They are the perfect size hand-held treat, and can be sweet or savory depending on what mood you’re in. Savory empanadas can be filled with meat, seafood, cheese or ...
As life slowly returns to some semblance of what it was like in 'before times', I've been thinking back over the past year. Most of it was pretty awful thanks to the pandemic, but there were a few ...
The last year (or so) has been unique in so many ways. Most of them are bad ways. Pretty much all of them. However, one of the good things was that many of us found ourselves with enough free time to ...
Folks, it’s happening. Summer in Chicago has arrived, the masks are finally coming off, and at long last, there’s a glimmer of hope on the horizon. This calls for a drink.