I have never worked from home before. With everything that is going on in the world, I am thankful that my day job allows me to work from home now. For one, my commute used to be three hours round ...
Cooking a steak is one of the most basic skills a cook can learn, and yet it is one that eludes even the best of cooks. Don’t feel bad if you haven’t mastered the art of steak cookery. How many times ...
Plant-based meat alternatives, or meat analogs, are not just for vegans and vegetarians anymore. As the interest in plant-based diets has grown in the last few years, so has the market for meat ...
If there's one good thing that's come from the global pandemic, it's a resurgence in the love of bread baking. I cannot count the number of posts I have seen from my friends trying their hand at ...
Smashed or Mashed: Two Easy Ways to Make Potatoes More Interesting
Listening to Raghavan Iyer talk recently about his new book covering all things potatoes (Smashed, Mashed, Boiled, and Baked - And Fried Too! Workman Publishing, New York, 2016) got me thinking about ...
Summer is in full swing, and we are trying to make the best of it! One of the high points of my summer so far has been teaching one of my favorite classic dishes: the Niçoise Salad in a recent ...
If you’ve been following my posts, it is probably fairly obvious that breakfast and brunch foods are some of my favorites. With that being said, I couldn’t leave out my trusty granola recipe. I’ve ...
I spend a lot of time on my deck, especially these days, and it was truly my saving grace during quarantine! I often work from my deck, but on weekends, I love to spend the afternoon relaxing out ...
I love having adventures in the kitchen, and I love making recipes that are totally unfamiliar to me. Both of these occurred when I tried my hand at making conchas, a traditional Mexican sweet bread ...
Eggs are one of the most versatile ingredients in the culinary world. There are by far over 80 thousand ways to prepare and use them. From breakfast, lunch and dinner to dessert they can be eaten in ...