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The Ultimate Guide to Building a Healthy, Family-Friendly Snack Dinner

The Ultimate Guide to Building a Healthy, Family-Friendly Snack Dinner

Leah J
Posted by Leah J on Oct 18, 2024


Let’s face it: some nights, as parents, we are just tired. And I’ll admit that I’ve been feeling this a lot lately. Maybe you had a long day at work, chased after kids, or tackled an endless list of tasks, and the thought of cooking dinner feels overwhelming. On nights like these, you need something simple, quick, and creative that doesn't require turning on the oven or stove—but you still want it to be healthy and satisfying. Enter the snack dinner: the ultimate solution for feeding the family when you just don’t feel like cooking.

Dinners composed of all snacks (also referred to as snack boards) are great because they’re versatile, easy to assemble, and make everyone feel like they have options. The kids can get involved too in building the dinner… that is, if you feel like involving them!

Snack DinnerLet’s dive into how you can build a balanced, delicious snack dinner that takes the pressure off while still delivering on taste and nutrition. I like to start by thinking about four different categories: protein, carbs, healthy fat, and vegetables (yes, veggies get their own category here).

Start with a Protein Base

Protein is key to making your snack board satisfying enough to replace a full meal. Luckily, there are tons of no-cook or minimally-cooked, protein-packed options you can keep on hand for nights like these.

  • Rotisserie chicken: Pick up a store-bought rotisserie chicken and shred it for an easy, flavorful protein option.
  • Deli meats: Opt for nitrate-free options like turkey, ham, or roast beef. Roll them up and add them to the board for a quick grab-and-go snack.
  • Cheese: Kids love cheese, and it comes in so many varieties—cheddar, mozzarella, gouda, or even cheese sticks. Use a mix of sliced, cubed, or string cheese for variety.
  • Chicken nuggets or meatballs: Throw them in the oven, pan or microwave for this “guaranteed to be kid-friendly” protein option (but let’s be honest, adults love them too!).

Next, Add the Carbs

Whole grains help round out the meal by adding fiber and complex carbs, keeping you fuller for longer. Fruits add natural sweetness and fiber to your board.

  • Any fruit will do! Add Apple or pear slices, berries, grapes, cantaloupe chunks or pineapple.
  • Whole grain crackers: There are plenty of healthy cracker options on the market that are packed with fiber and low in additives. These pair well with cheese, hummus, or deli meats.
  • Pita or naan bread: Whole wheat pita is great for dipping in hummus, guacamole, or tzatziki. (I used mini Naan breads for my snack dinner)
  • Whole grain wraps: If you want to add an extra layer of creativity, you can provide small whole grain wraps so everyone can make their own mini sandwiches from the snack board options.

Include Healthy Fats

A little fat helps with satiety and makes the meal more filling.

  • Avocado or guacamole: Slice or mash it. Make a quick guacamole or an even easier purchase at the store for the premade version.
  • Nuts and seeds: Almonds, walnuts, or sunflower seeds are perfect for snacking.
  • Nut butters: Peanut butter, almond butter, or sunflower seed butter are great paired with fruits or veggies.

Don’t Forget the Vegetables

Veggies give your snack dinner vitamins, fiber, color and that crunch factor. Pro tip - visit the salad bar at the grocery store to gather up pre-cut veggies and fruit to reduce your time spent in the kitchen even further.

  • Baby carrots: Classic and easy, they’re perfect for dipping. Minimal prep and kid-friendly.
  • Cucumber slices: These guys pair well with nearly any dip.
  • Bell pepper strips: These sweet and colorful veggies are great for munching.
  • Cherry tomatoes: No cutting needed, just wash and toss onto the board.

Add-Ons for Extra Fun

Snack dinners don’t have to be boring, and even on your most tired nights, you can add a little fun without extra effort. Turn your snack dinner into a "Breakfast for Dinner" board with hard-boiled eggs, fruit, yogurt, and whole-grain waffles or pancakes. Or try a “Mediterranean Night” with hummus, pita, olives, and grilled chicken strips. You can have a sweet treat like chocolate-covered pretzels to satisfy any sweet cravings without going overboard.

Snack dinner

Quick Tips for Success

  • Prep ahead: IF (and that’s a big if) you have a little extra time, prep snack board items like hard-boiled eggs, cut-up veggies, or wash fruit. That way, on tired nights, it’s just a matter of assembling them.
  • Use leftovers: If you have leftover roasted chicken, cooked veggies, or any part of last night’s dinner, repurpose them for the snack board. Leftovers add variety and prevent food waste.
  • Embrace imperfection: The beauty of a snack dinner is that it doesn’t have to be perfect or picturesque. There’s no right or wrong way to assemble it, so use what you have and keep it simple.

With minimal effort, you can put together a nutritious, family-friendly meal that everyone will enjoy. Plus, it’s a creative way to mix up your dinner routine without adding stress. For a fun theme night, check out our upcoming Halloween-themed class with fun snacks, Hands-On Family Night: Haunted House Party on Wednesday, October 30 at 6pm at Lincoln Square.

Your family will enjoy cooking and eating together:

  • Spider Cheese Balls with Creepy Carrot Witch Fingers
  • Spooky Spaghetti and Zombie Eyeballs (Meatballs) in Marinara
  • Mummified Roasted Garlic Bread
  • Vampire Cupcakes with Cream Cheese Frosting and Raspberry “Blood” 

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Topics: dinner, kids, snack, snacks, kid friendly

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