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  • The Chopping Blog

Keep Your Steaks Simple

As a rule, I try to make sure that when I go out to eat, I order something I cannot or would not make at home. Dining out in Chicago can be expensive, and I want to make sure I get the most bang for ...

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Take Matters Into Your Own Hands with our New Guide to Home Butchery

The meat case is one of the most confusing areas of the supermarket. You likely need the butcher's help deciphering the labels and identifying various cuts of meat in order to know what you are ...

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Ground Turkey, The New Ground Beef

I’ve been trying to eat healthier the past couple of months, so I decided to introduce ground turkey breast meat into my diet. On one hand, it wasn’t that difficult of a decision to make, most of my ...

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Beef: It's Wellington for Dinner

I was talking to my brother on the phone recently, and he started asking me a bunch of questions on how to make Beef Wellington. He had seen a video online and decided he would give it a try. This is ...

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Meat Pie Madness

One of my earliest memories is visiting my grandmother in northern Louisiana at Christmastime. She lived in a rural town with just one stoplight. Every year, we'd make the trip "to town" to watch the ...

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Sugar and SPICE & Everything Nice

Yup, that's what little girls are made of, but this also reminds me of Knox Spice rubs.

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