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  • The Chopping Blog

Chicago’s Finest Eateries

Working at The Chopping Block, one of the most common questions I get asked as a chef actually has nothing to do with cooking at all. Guests always want to know “What’s your favorite restaurant?”

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Marbled Tea Eggs

Happy New Year of the Tiger! I love when my blog posts coincide with the Chinese Lunar New Year. We lived in Beijing from 1997-2000, and this celebration remains close to our hearts. It was always a ...

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Chinese Sausage Fried Rice

Growing up during the 70’s in a small Iowa town didn’t really expose me to much in the way of Chinese food. My mom made a few attempts at cooking Chinese food, mostly inspired by the “Chinese” ...

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Ramen 101

Ramen is a noodle soup dish that was originally imported from China and has become one of the most popular dishes all over the world. You may only know ramen from your college days of the instant ...

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Scallion Pancakes

I know, I know… by now you’re not shocked that I’m coming to you excited about pancakes again, but hear me out - my latest adventure in pancakes took a savory turn and it’s my favorite chapter of my ...

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Why You Should Stop Frying Fried Rice

I just moved to upstate New York a few weeks ago and have been spending more time scarfing bagels and sorting through boxes than whipping up meals in my new kitchen. The fact that I went from a ...

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Happy New Year of the Pig

My husband & I lived in Beijing, China for three years in the late 1990s. We frequently talk about how, for us, it was the perfect time to be there as an expat. A lot of the old, traditional ways ...

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Celebrate the Lunar New Year with Whole Steamed Fish

As you know from my last post, Chinese (Lunar) New Year is a big deal at our house: it’s the one holiday we brought back with us from China to celebrate with family and friends, ringing it in with ...

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Happy New Year 4716!

I’ve never been one to get excited about traditional New Year’s Eve celebrations. As soon as Christmas is in my rear-view mirror, I swear off all jingly music, shiny paper, and the rich, heavy food ...

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A Chinese New Year Valentine

Having lived in Beijing a number of years ago, an annual tradition we took home with us was a big, loud celebration dinner for Chinese New Year. With that coming up just over a month away, my mind is ...

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