I am very proud of my Sicilian heritage, and I can’t believe I have never been there. My dad was born in Sicily and came to the states as a teenager and hasn’t been back since then. Until now!
When it’s my turn to make desserts, my go-to are usually pies, crisps and cobblers. For me, these desserts are much easier to prepare, probably because they are more formula-driven than recipe-driven ...
If you have you never tasted a butternut squash pie, it might be hard to imagine that it is even better than a pumpkin pie. I am not saying that pumpkin pie isn’t delicious, and I know it is ...
Over the past month, my one-year-old daughter Willa has become increasing obsessed with pumpkins, ghosts, skeletons, and fall leaves. Before the autumn season, anything that resembled an apple ...
Anyone who knows me knows that I am a bit self-conscious when it comes to baking and pastry. I also have a very ornery dog with a huge appetite. He is too cute (and tall) for his own good!
It's that wonderful time of year again - the weather is changing, and apple season is in full swing. That means Apple Fest is right around the corner! This is one of my favorite neighborhood events ...
Apples are the true favorite fruit of fall, and with good reason. If you live in the Midwest, there's ample access to apple picking, and you can find a wide variety of fresh, crisp flavors at local ...
Lincoln Square's Apple Fest is right around the corner, which gets me thinking about all things apple. When September rolls around, I am excited to go pick apples. The first thing that comes to mind ...
Summer is here! If you’re like me, you’re trying to put off installing your window units for as long as possible, and you’re searching desperately for any strategies that can support you in your ...
Finally, it’s plum season! Plums are typically in season May through October, but they are at their peak in June through August in the U.S. California grows the majority of domestic plums, but ...