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  • The Chopping Blog

Homemade Snacks: Goldfish Edition

Anyone who knows me, knows I love snacks. I also love recreating classic snacks from scratch. There’s something special about making wholesome food at home with simple ingredients, knowing exactly ...

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3-Ingredient Homemade Hot Sauce

This summer has been a great growing season for our habanero and jalafuego plants, and they have produced quite a bit of fruit. Fortunately, hot chilies are extremely versatile, but if you’re a chili ...

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Butcher Block Time

Throughout my whole life in kitchens, there has always been one thing I’ve wanted to own. It wasn’t a sharp knife, fancy equipment, or even custom-engraved diamond plated knife steal that also ...

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How to Make Vanilla Extract

Vanilla has become very expensive in the past few years due to vanilla beans being difficult to grow. This flowering plant is incredibly labor intensive. Climate change plays a huge role in these ...

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Cheese Trials Part Two: Burrata

Previously on Cheese Trials: I decided to try my hand at cheese making, something I’ve never really attempted before aside from the very simple ricotta that many cooks learn to make at restaurants. I ...

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The Power of Fresh Powder

I talk a lot to students about the importance of using fresh spices. So many people have little plastic jars of ground spices in their pantries that could be half a decade old or older. At that age, ...

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A Charcuterie Tree and Other Attempts to be Christmas-like

'Twas the week before Christmas, when all thro' my kitchen, Planning some great food to make the Grinch’s head spin, Recipes were viewed and lined up with care, In hopes that my pantry would not be ...

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Carbonation Temptation

Maybe you’re with me on this: a life lived without carbonated beverages is no life at all. Whether you specifically agree or not, it seems clear humanity as a whole regards adding bubbles to your ...

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How to Make Pickled Ginger

I have had an idea for a book called “Pickled Ginger” for years. No, it’s not a cookbook and nor does it really have much connection with cooking at all. The idea stemmed from my own experience ...

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DIY Dining Experiences to Try with a Group

Food brings people together. Nothing rings truer than that statement. While heading to the newest and hottest restaurant in town can be deliciously fun, there are plenty of ways to gather friends and ...

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