Imagine a recent wine shopping excursion. Whether in a grocery store, a boutique wine shop or chain outlet, if you’re most places in the U.S., your choices include wines from around the world, in ...
The world of cocktails mimics fashion - there are trends and styles reappear from time to time. What was once your grandmother's favorite dress is back en vogue and what was once your grandfather's ...
It's finally summer and that means it's time for refreshing summer drinks! What do you like to sip on in the heat? This summer, break away from the typical margaritas and mimosas and try a Paloma.
I feel like eggnog is something that people either love or hate, like mushrooms or tequila. Personally, I was optimistic when I had my first taste of seasonal, store-bought eggnog. I opened the lid, ...
Some new craft spirits have been making their way onto our shelves here at The Chopping Block. We have painstakingly chosen spirits that are either made locally or have some connection to the ...