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  • The Chopping Blog

Nutrient-Dense Smoothies

I began my health-focused journey a few years back and making delicious smoothies became a regular task in my kitchen. There are many things that I love about smoothies. They are simple and easy to ...

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Embrace Spring's Bounty: The Many Benefits of Shopping Seasonally

It’s that time of year when nature starts to awaken with a burst of vibrant colors and flavors. Yes, springtime is emerging all over the country - a time when the earth seemingly comes alive again ...

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Cold Pressed Juice - Is it Worth It?

I recently started cold press juicing and with all the wonderful benefits I have experienced, I thought I would share why I think it is worth the hype.

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Perfectly Poached Fruit

A pear perfectly poached in red wine is one of the most elegant desserts I can think of. Top it off with a little Crème Anglaise and you have elevated the lowly pear into something almost regal. I’m ...

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New Fruit Just Dropped

Well it's not ‘new’ exactly, but it's an uncommon fruit you may not have run into before. And not exactly ‘just’ since it was first described in western sources by Phillip Franz von Siebold and ...

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Citrus is my Main Squeeze

Most of us are fortunate to be able to enjoy all types of citrus all year long. You may not know this, but citrus season is actually during winter. Citrus is the perfect little pick me up to get you ...

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4 Ways to Enhance your Diet that Could Save your Life

I can hear the counterpoint playing in my mind, “But we’re all going to go some day anyway so why should I change my diet?” Yes, I know, but what if I told you that you could improve the quality of ...

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Which Produce is in Season When?

There’s nothing like fresh produce: it’s good for you, it’s delicious, and it’s always available. But have you stopped to think why and how fresh food is always there, in the grocery store, year ...

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Dessert on the Grill

There are still a few more days of summer left, and even more days of grilling to come. If you haven't yet tried grilling fruit, now is your chance! Grilled pineapple is a classic, but there are many ...

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