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  • The Chopping Blog

Garlic Scapes: The Edible Flower

Scapes are here! Many are unaware of this wonderful vegetable, but if you know where to look for them during this brief season, you are in for a treat. Scapes are only around in late spring - early ...

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Gift Spicy Garlic Chili Crisp

Over the years, chili oil has become a condiment that I can't live without, and it's even better when it's homemade. This chili crisp is easy to make, perfect for spooning over just about anything ...

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The Power of Black Garlic

I first heard about black garlic a few years ago when a chef friend gave me a few cloves to try. I thought it was interesting, but I didn't really do a deep dive into the product because you couldn't ...

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Layer the Vegetables Up

It’s the end of Summer, and those vegetables and herbs we’ve been patiently waiting to reach their peak all season have finally done so - I love it! Our little balcony garden is literally ...

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Don't Waste One Spring Ramp

The first sighting of a robin. The vivid green on the grass after it rains. A redbud tree bursting with blooms. All of these things help remind us that we are in a new season of the year and it makes ...

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How to Roast Garlic

I absolutely love moderating our virtual classes. It’s been so much fun for me to see The Chopping Block's virtual business evolve over the past year. What I love most about our virtual classes is ...

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Grilled Artichokes with Garlic Aioli

Being from a little town in Iowa, I had no exposure to whole fresh artichokes growing up. I had never seen one, never eaten one and certainly never cooked one. I had tasted jarred and canned ...

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8 Anti-Inflammatory Foods in Season Now

You may have heard through the grapevine that food is actually medicine. A healthy diet is essential for protecting the body and eating foods in season can mean even more nutritional benefits. The ...

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Stop Panicking in the Kitchen and Learn to Love your Mistakes

With Thanksgiving over, I, like many of you, just returned to work from spending time with my family. While our holiday meal was not at all traditional and quite small, we did roast a whole turkey. ...

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Insta-Chicken with 40 Cloves of Garlic

I finally succumbed to the pressure of the Instant Pot. I’d been curious about them for awhile but between my slow and steady Crock Pot (See Taking Things Slow With Your Crock Pot) with reliable ...

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