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  • The Chopping Blog

The “Little Dragon” Herb: Tarragon

Fresh tarragon, beloved herb, French staple, is in full swing. With an extensive early spring through early fall harvest, this hardy perennial is here and taking over our culinary tool belts. ...

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'Tis the Unseason: Flavor Without Salt

When it comes to food and cooking, we all face various conundrums. There are allergies, intolerances and avoidance of ingredients. Personally, having lived with Crohn’s disease since I was a child, I ...

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Worthwhile Herbs With Which You May Be Unfamiliar

Herbs are among the most important ingredients in cooking. Choosing the right varieties and amounts of herbs for a particular dish can mean the difference between a meal that’s just okay, and one ...

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Did your Basil Bloom?

If your garden is looking anything like ours is at this point in the season, the herbs are beginning to wane and you’re quickly realizing the time has come to clip your herbs for the last time, ...

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Too Many Herbs? Try These Tips

I love using fresh herbs, but often find myself with leftovers I cannot use up before they go bad. A lot of stores are now selling them in plastic packages that come in one size only. Need one ...

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Preserve Summer with Herb Salt

Now that it seems warm weather has finally taken root here in Chicago, we can enjoy all the new flavors that warmth brings. A new season of fruits and vegetables is certainly an exciting prospect, ...

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10 Things to Make with Too Many Herbs

As any of you who have a garden know, keeping up with herbs can be a bit of a challenge. Every summer I try to grow enough herbs and vegetables for me and my husband to eat through the entire season. ...

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Got Sad Looking Herbs? Make a Simple Syrup!

Does this sound familiar? You need two or three tablespoons of an herb for a recipe. However, your grocery store only sells herbs in large bunches, so you have no choice but to buy the whole bundle. ...

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Know Your Herbs

A lot of us don’t want to admit this, but summer here in Chicago is winding down, and it's already starting to feel like fall. But the farmers markets are still going strong, and there is an ...

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A Beginner's Guide to Fresh Herbs and Spices

When it comes to the use of herbs and spices, many of us think we’ve got it down pat. I know there was a time when I thought I was doing it right by shaking in some chili powder and dried oregano ...

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