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  • The Chopping Blog

Seasonal Fruit and Jam-Making

Producing homemade jam is an experience that connects you with the farmers that grow seasonal produce, the process of working with that produce, and the joy of taking such delicious fruit and turning ...

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How to Make Strawberry-Rhubarb Jam

When you visit your friend who has a fabulous garden full of fruit, vegetables and herbs, and she gives you more rhubarb than you know what to do with, you make jam. Rhubarb is a perennial plant ...

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It's the Season for Stone Fruit Jam

Summer officially starts this weekend, farmers markets are in full swing, and seasonal fruit is plentiful! A couple of weeks ago, we held a hands-on pie and tart class, and I had some leftover ...

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Easiest Donut Recipe Ever

I am not the biggest dessert fan in the world, but I do love dessert for breakfast. I especially love donuts for breakfast and even more, when they are extremely fresh, warm and just out of the fryer.

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Tomato-Onion Jam: The Ultimate Summer Condiment

As I was standing in our backyard gazing at all of the tomatoes that were ready to be picked, I was wondering what on earth I should do with them. There are so many options, which makes it even ...

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How to Make Jam without Pectin

I love to make jam; I’m sure in part because I used to watch my mom make it as a kid. Thinking about Mom in the kitchen brings back such fond memories. We primarily grew our own food when I was ...

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Yes, You Can Make Pop Tarts from Scratch

I was feeling a bit ambitious this past weekend, and decided to try making pop tarts from scratch. I thought it would be a really great way to start Father’s Day morning, and my husband and kids were ...

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Proustian Guava Jam

As a professional chef, and all around human person, I have tasted a lot of pastries in my life. They are pretty much all amazing, but there is one that I tasted recently that will live in my memory ...

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Fresh Fig Jam in the Fall

I love figs; they are sweet, tangy, and temperamental. Figs are truly a wonder, as they are only ripe for what seems like half a second. The cooler temperatures this summer have extended many growing ...

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You Can Can

I grew up in a family where canning was just something you had to do. Although I enjoyed every minute as a young girl watching my mother slave over hot gurgling pressure cookers and mounds of fruits ...

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