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  • The Chopping Blog

The "S" Words of Cooking

I remember as a child I always had one friend that liked to experiment with cursing. The scenario was always the same: my friends and I would be somewhere out of the listening ear of an adult, ...

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Greek Meatballs on Homemade Naan

I love social media. It’s a great way to “meet” like-minded people from all over the world. I’ve created friendships with people as far away as the Netherlands, and have found people who enjoy my ...

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A Meal Planning Win: Veal Meatballs, Four Ways

I love being in the kitchen. It’s my favorite thing to do, even after a long day of work at my office job. But there are some nights when I know I’ll be working late, so a little planning on my part ...

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Holiday Appetizer: Meatballs with Apple Cider BBQ Sauce

This year seemed to fly by so quickly, and already the holidays are here again! I watched my oldest son become a teenager and my youngest son become a superstar of several sports. Those glorious ...

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