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  • The Chopping Blog

Once Upon a Jar of Coconut Oil

Just like Smash Mouth’s “All Star” hit, coconut oil is past its peak but still appears in our daily lives. Touted as a belly fat blaster, an appetite suppressant and even an Alzheimer's treatment, ...

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Immune-Boosting Foods: How to Avoid the Sniffles

A battleground full of first-wave defenses of thick walls, burning acid and goo, followed by a second wave of soldiers to recognize and fight the enemy. That’s the opening scene to the blockbuster ...

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The Bugs On Us

Don’t freak out. There are bugs all over you. Over 100 trillion of them. But they’re not actually bugs; they’re microbes and they do some pretty phenomenal things for us, especially the ones found in ...

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5 Common Food Label Misconceptions

What are those percentages on a nutrition label? Is 800mg of sodium a lot? What exactly is the difference between carbs and sugars? We’ve all been there: standing in a grocery store aisle, turning ...

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Superfoods are Superheroes

Superfoods are the food industry’s superheroes: they’re touted as “powerful,” having “superpowers” and being “extra-nutritious.” I mean, who wouldn’t want a superhero in their life? I personally ...

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Sweet Potatoes are not Boring

It's that time again for everyone to commit to healthy foods and exercise. Lots of people are amped about getting on the self-betterment train and go all in with meal prep, special workouts and ...

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Make Your Meal Planning Life Easier

I was leading a virtual workshop recently discussing the basics of healthy eating. The workshop is entitled Healthy Eating 101: What you need to know to start eating for overall body wellness. As I ...

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Is Plant-Based Meat Really Better For You?

Plant-based meat alternatives, or meat analogs, are not just for vegans and vegetarians anymore. As the interest in plant-based diets has grown in the last few years, so has the market for meat ...

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Boost your Immune System with this Shot

As in any case of large scale sickness such as the current Coronavirus, the best advice to stay healthy is to reduce contact with others, wash your hands, cover your mouth when you cough, don't touch ...

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Study Scrutiny: Critical Thinking Part 2

In my previous post, I went over some of the ways that information can be bastardized from person to person or in the media’s (mis)representation of academic studies. Today we’re going to look at the ...

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