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  • The Chopping Blog

Critical Thinking in the Click-Bait World

As a personal trainer and nutritionist, I am always being asked about my thoughts on the latest nutrition or health article, study, documentary, etc, especially when the claims being made are ...

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What is the MIND Diet?

In the last few years, the health of our brain has been a growing topic of interest. When we explore brain health, it’s not just about mental health. The brain is one of our most important organs to ...

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Setting Yourself Up for Success in the New Year

The start of the new year encourages many people to come up with ambitious ideas of how they will change their lives for the better, with a large chunk of these goals pertaining to being healthier ...

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The Diet of the Decade

I know what you’re thinking. New year, new me, new diet…. What fad diet shall I choose to follow this year? While we understand the appeal of fad diets, nutrition experts are typically not huge fans ...

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Do You Need to Curb Your Caffeine Intake?

I love coffee and consume caffeine in the form of coffee and/or a pre-workout drink almost every single day of the week. Caffeine is the most widely consumed psychoactive drug (yes, caffeine is most ...

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7 Tricks to Eat Healthier in 2020

It’s that time of year, when people start reflecting on the past year and thinking about the year ahead. If you are like so many others, planning for the year to come often includes setting goals to ...

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The Benefits of Salmon Skin

While the world seems to be always looking for the next big health trend and hidden nutrient gems, one thing that seems to stick around are Omega-3s. As we start moving into the cooler weather here ...

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Keto Q&A

I’m sure by now the vast majority of people have at least heard of using the Ketogenic diet, or Keto for short, as a means to lose weight. I have had several clients tell me that they have friends or ...

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Food is Medicine, So Let’s Use It

An opinion article was recently published entitled “Our Food Is Killing Too Many of Us.” After being initially taken aback by the heavy, straight-forward title of the article, the subtitle stated ...

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Stop Worrying about Sodium

Over the course of the last decade or so, there have been countless dietary myths that seem to make sense on the surface, but don’t pass the test when actual human physiology and scientific research ...

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