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  • The Chopping Blog

Sausage, Crispy Broccoli, Caramelized Red Onion & Garlic Za

I know what you are thinking: why is a Registered Dietitian suggesting eating pizza? One of my favorite parts of my job is helping clients subscribe to the idea that all foods can be included in a ...

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Micronutrients Part 2: Minerals

This is the second article in a two-part series about micronutrients. Check out part one on vitamins if you haven’t already before reading this one! As with vitamins, minerals don’t directly give us ...

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8 Anti-Inflammatory Foods in Season Now

You may have heard through the grapevine that food is actually medicine. A healthy diet is essential for protecting the body and eating foods in season can mean even more nutritional benefits. The ...

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Micronutrients Part 1: Vitamins

When it comes to diet and nutrition, we hear a lot lately about macronutrients, whether it's around diets like keto or low fat that look to limit a certain macro, or my preferred approach of ...

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Meet our New Pro-Carb Registered Dietitian Nutritionist

Everyone seems to be anti-carb these days so most people wouldn't think a dietitian would be one to embrace bread in a diet, but our new Registered Dietitian Nutritionist claims to be "super ...

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Making Sense of Your Metabolism

Over years of working with training and nutrition clients, there are a handful of questions I get asked over and over again that have pretty basic answers. Unfortunately, due to all the exercise and ...

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4 Ways to Enhance your Diet that Could Save your Life

I can hear the counterpoint playing in my mind, “But we’re all going to go some day anyway so why should I change my diet?” Yes, I know, but what if I told you that you could improve the quality of ...

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Protein Popsicles

The average gym goer with a goal of fat loss would probably see some improvements to their physique if they added some protein into their diet and removed some carbs and fats. That's easier said than ...

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The Right Diet for You

It seems as if there are new diet trends popping up every few months, and without a proper understanding of how food in general impacts weight loss and weight gain, it can be confusing. I hope to ...

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Go with your Gut - Eat Pizza

In recent years, there has been an increasing number of research studies that demonstrate a link between our digestive tracts or our “guts” to overall health. We have growing evidence that we should ...

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