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  • The Chopping Blog

Preserving Summer’s Bounty

This is it—what my grandma used to call “the best time of year to eat.” We’re in it now, relishing in mountains of fresh heirloom tomatoes, piles of squash, and more peaches than we know what to do ...

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How to Farmers’ Market

Fellow citizens of the Midwest, we have arrived. Summer is upon us, and so is the bounty of the legendary farmers’ markets. If you’re anything like me, you have them on your family Google calendar so ...

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Cooking from the Farmers Market

I love farmers markets. Not only do you get access to the best tasting, seasonal produce picked at its peak of flavor, but it has traveled just a short time between the farm and market to get to you. ...

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Box of Plenty: The Many Benefits of a CSA

Often times home cooks will be curious about what makes restaurant food taste different from home cooked food. This is actually a very interesting question, and there is no simple answer, but an ...

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Make Reusable Beeswax Cloths for your Kitchen

In the seemingly never-ending pursuit of using less waste, keeping a green, less plastic kitchen, I found myself looking for alternatives to wrap my leftover produce, etc. I fell in love with some ...

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Which Produce is in Season When?

There’s nothing like fresh produce: it’s good for you, it’s delicious, and it’s always available. But have you stopped to think why and how fresh food is always there, in the grocery store, year ...

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A Key Ingredient for Weight Loss and Wellness

I’ve learned the secret to life-long health. It’s not a diet or a pill, and it’s actually found in many of the foods you may already know and love. If you’re like me and simply live for life’s ...

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When Life Gives You Cucumbers, Learn How to Pickle

When life gives you cucumbers, make pickles. That’s how the saying goes, right?

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