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  • The Chopping Blog

Fall in Love with Apples' Health Benefits and this Recipe

An apple a day keeps the doctor away. We've heard this old-school mantra all our lives. But just how true is that statement about the quintessential fall fruit?

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Beat the Heat with these Five No-Cook Strategies

Summer is here! If you’re like me, you’re trying to put off installing your window units for as long as possible, and you’re searching desperately for any strategies that can support you in your ...

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Douse your Food with Dukkah

I was first introduced to Dukkah when I received a copy of Instantly Mediterranean by Emily Paster in advance of a virtual Instant Pot class (remember those days?!) we did together two years ago. For ...

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Roasted Pears for Salads or Just Snacks

Last week was Thanksgiving and amidst all the “favorites” and “must haves” I usually like to slide in a little something fun and different. This year it was a salad with a whole roasted pear half ...

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Diving into a Valid Tea Leaf Salad

Last month, I started to dive into the world of Burmese cooking. Have you tried my egg curry recipe yet? I got very excited to plummet gracefully from an elevated platform of knowledge with a ...

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Ditch the Potato Salad: 3 Easy Grilled Sides to Bring to your Next BBQ

The summer is far from over and with plenty of sunny days and warm weather ahead, we can expect plenty more barbeques and backyard bashes with friends and family in the next few months.

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Restaurant Redemption: Grilled Salmon Caesar Salad

A couple months ago my husband and I set out to see the funk band Lettuce, and grabbed a bite to eat beforehand. I didn’t want to be bogged down by a heavy meal and I love salads with a protein, so I ...

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Spring Green Superfood Salad

Nine times out of ten, my lunches consist of a vegetable and/or grain salad topped with protein. I know that may sound boring, but trust me when I say it’s delicious and full of variety. It’s a ...

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Healthy Goodness For Your Gut Vinegars

I remember as a kid, my grandmother would make us drink sauerkraut juice, or she would use it to flavor a soup, and I absolutely loved it. I always have preferred a sour pickle flavor over something ...

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Vegetarian Harvest: Falling for Brussels Sprouts

It appears that summer is hanging on as long as possible, and I'm totally cool with that. The longer I can wear flip flops the better! But, because I develop the curriculum at The Chopping Block and ...

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